Commercial Sound Systems
Rent or buy our commercial sound systems to get the most out of your professionally curated music channels. Choose from several types of speakers, including in-room speakers, ceiling speakers, in-wall speakers, outdoor speakers, and much more for your commercial sound system.
Shopping for commercial sound systems?
Commercial Screens
Our digital signage experts will help you choose from a large range of LG and Samsung commercial-quality digital screens that fit your budget and preferences.
Ceiling Speakers, In-wall Speakers, and More
Over 1,000 AV Equipment Installs Per Year

Ceiling speakers and amplifiers rolled out in 354 Quebec locations in only 35 days.

In-wall speakers and ceiling speakers with seamless sound dispersion covering all three floors of the retail area.

Twenty-three new service centres along the highway were equipped with TOA ceiling speakers, weather-proof speakers, and more.